Ed Westwick is a total Shame F&ck. Which is why he is the perfect Chuck Bass. Among his other illustrious attributes, Chuck Bass is Blair’s Shame F&ck. Not to be confused with a Hate F&ck.
Tara Reid is a Hate F&ck. The kind of person you sleep with when you’re raging, looking for something to punish.
The difference of course is how it originates. A Hate F&ck is rooted in the bad things inside of you. A desire to purge and soil only those who deserve it. A Shame F*ck on the other hand stems from lust, when you wake up disgusted in the morning and look at the person lying next to you and think the following:
Ugh. You’re nasty, get away from me. I hate myself for having sex with you. But let’s do it again tonight. Only let’s not tell anyone either.
There’s something about Ed’s smarm that is horny as hell. Still… I’d take that secret to the grave.
Here he is last night at the premiere of Sleepwalking.
Photos from Wenn.com and Splashnewsonline.com