Are you seeing Point Break over the holidays? I always need a movie over the holidays that’s a matinee mind break. And I mentioned Point Break a couple of weeks ago as the alternative to Daddy’s Home so that Mark Wahlberg doesn’t get my money. There was a time when we might have been mad at Point Break, when it was announced.

I can tell you that I definitely would have been mad at Point Break if Gerard Butler was in it. But he’s not! I can also tell you that I’m definitely not mad at Point Break anymore because, well, I’ve accepted that Point Break is Holiday Porn. Um…Edgar Ramirez? That should be enough for you. But just in case you need more convincing…

Luke Bracey, holy sh-t.

We interviewed Luke Bracey on The Social last week. I get it. In pictures you’re like, yeah, he’s OK but he’s not lighting up my tree. But Luke Bracey in person? It’s VOLCANIC. He is so f-cking hot (and a nice guy and very sweet) there’s no other way to describe it but to say that it’s a biological reaction. The moment he came backstage, every single woman – that day it was around 20 – felt it. Even the woman who is a lesbian was like, what is happening to my body because, I’m telling you, Luke Bracey brings it on a cellular level. Even the people watching on TV felt it afterwards. I feel like even Sarah will feel it – and she was the MOST mad at Point Break.

Dear Sarah, please keep an open mind and listen to your libido.