Earth Day is tomorrow and yesterday in Washington, at a rally at the National Mall, Edward Norton delivered a speech about going green looking hotter than he has in a long time. Yum.

Green seems to be his favourite colour these days. Ed wrote the screenplay for and starred in the upcoming Incredible Hulk movie due out this summer and word is he’s been a major pain in the ass with rewrites and edits, so much so that Marvel allegedly is starting to leak that he’s a difficult diva perfectionist who thinks his own vision is superior to the director’s.

If true, it’s not the first time he’s battled with the studios. A few years ago, he and Paramount went head to head also over his artistic demands and Ed is said to be brutally stubborn over creative differences. Kinda love him for that.
But back to Earth Day… for parents and teachers looking for creative and educational ways to engage yours kids in earth awareness – check out the award winning Who Is Nobody program and get involved. Tomorrow is a good time to start!

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