Cheaters gotta work too, right? And this is what happens when cheaters need to sell movies. Currently on promo for his latest called Breach – filmed in Toronto by the way, where he is rumoured to have had several affairs including a one night stand with a hostess at Lobby and several other waitresses at several other hotspots around the city – Ryan Phillippe sat down with Ellen Degeneres and talked about how he was coping with his separation from Reese Witherspoon. Of course, in an effort to win back the MiniVan Majority, the ultra-private Ryan just had to bring up his daughter – because what’s sexier than a man who worships his daughter? “(this is) the most personally devastating time in [my] life. Going through something like this, as difficult as it is, my daughter has been the inspiration – my 7-year-old daughter Ava. (Her) conscientiousness and maturity. I know it sounds pathetic – I"m a 32-year-old guy, but my 7-year-old daughter is getting me through the toughest time in my life, and that"s beautiful too." No Ryan…what’s pathetic is a 32 year old guy walking in to a restaurant in every city on location and dropping lame ass pick up moves on 20 year old aspiring actresses, quoting Shakespeare while trying to convince them that your marriage was over – 2 years before it really was! THAT is pathetic. And texting said girls afterwards with your sh-t poetry is pathetic too. But then again…what really did we expect from Ryan Phillippe? Oh…and just in case it didn’t work the first time – one more dose of his groveling Rossum, this time about Deacon: "He"s all right, you know. I mean, 3-year-olds – he"s fun, every day he says something that makes me laugh, warms my heart. They"re hanging in there. It ain"t easy." Bitch…please. I could understand some sympathy if it was one mistake, one transgression – maybe, just maybe, some kindness. But gossips, I’m telling you, in Vancouver alone it was allegedly AUDACIOUS infidelity. Three girls, one dining establishment, and many others at many other places. Seriously, save your second chance card for someone else. Ryan Phillippe doesn’t deserve it. PS. His face? Now THAT is what I call Carb Face meets Karma Face. Without Reese, he really ain"t all that, is he? Source