Amazing. A People Magazine decision to agree with… perhaps at the expense of the MiniVan Majority? Love the new cover, but you have to wonder, does People love the cover? Or the timing of it?

Record numbers tuned in in America to watch Michael Phelps win gold last weekend. His face will be plastered all over the newsstand this week. But People had already previously committed to Ellen, likely paying a hefty sum for exclusive wedding images. Otherwise, no doubt it’d be the Olympian staring back at you. And the MiniVan would approve.

Instead, Ellen had to get married on Saturday. While Michael was winning his record 8th.

Will be interesting to see what the numbers are for this issue. And how the magazine’s conservative base of support will react to their national hero being pushed to the backburner for two lesbians.

Yay gay!

Exclusive photos from inside Ellen and Portia’s intimate wedding are in People Magazine’s new issue out this week. Buy two copies.