Like many tonight, the photos don’t tell the story. None of the photos I’ve seen illustrate the exact shade of gun-metal gray of her dress, how unbelievably fit she was. And how game she is for The Game.

We spoke with Emily Blunt on the carpet. Up close and personal she is sassy and funny and loose… without that awkwardness so many celebrities can’t shake on these occasions but without giving too much away either. She was with Michael Bublé of course and is happy to defer to him even if she was the entrée this evening but also not clingy, she doesn’t chase him, and you can tell, he is always looking for her…she keeps him hungry effectively. I think I fell a little in love with her myself.

As for whether or not they’re engaged…she let me go there. They’re not, but it was the way she answered it that was so typically Blunt – like “as if” but British-style… check out etalk tonight for the clip.