This is Emma Roberts, daughter of Eric Roberts, niece of Julia Roberts, now the star of the film version of Nancy Drew. Here she is shopping in New York this week and at the premiere a few days ago.
Hate to do this but, well, at 16 she has the eyes of a 30 year old. My mother speaks hauntingly of such eyes – she says these are the kinds of eyes more susceptible to seeing ghosts. Of course whenever she tells me these things she also manages to throw in the fact that she created me (and therefore I should thank her with a monthly allowance) with eyes that are full of life, eyes that don’t attract the underworld, eyes that actually deter the underworld and discourage its approach.
Emma on the other hand…forgive me for overstepping the line…but Emma has that look. Emma with her painfully thin body that certainly could just be caught in a gawky phase, Emma and the expression that belies her teens, Emma and her choreographed practiced posing sadly illustrating a life spent in rehearsal under the watchful eyes of coaches and handlers and career managers.
I smell Lindsay Lohan…do you?
And by contrast there’s Jamie Lynn Spears who has watched her sister self destruct spectacularly looking appropriately teen-ish at the same event still with that unmistakable teen “goofiness” without any of the overly mature elegance displayed by her counterpart.
My mother would say that these eyes have pep…that Jamie Lynn Spears ain’t seein’ no ghosts.
Having said that, given her family’s predisposition to scandal and drama…is it still just a matter of time?
Right here… a preview of our smutty future. You like?