Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield were together but not together at the Worldwide Orphans Foundation Gala, hosted by Amy Poehler and Will Arnett, in New York last night. Emma and Andrew have been everywhere together but not together in the city the last week or so. Here they are, posing with WWO Founder Dr Jane Aronson - read this and try not to cry - but never actually posing side by side, and you know, the photographer would have asked.
Oh get on with it, will you?
Or is the studio making you save it for when the movie comes out.
It bites my ass that you have to listen to the studio. Then again, when the studio is Sony and it’s a three picture deal...
I guess.
Can’t you just hold hands and smile at each other, just for me?
PS. I know you’re bummed out about Community. But Amy and Will are on tv on the same night on the same network. Happy happy?