Just as everyone was piling on about whether or not she and Andrew Garfield have broken up, photos were released of Emma Stone at Disneyland with her brother. Shameless promotion: this was also on the same day that we announced on The Social that we are also shooting two live shows from Disneyland on May 20 and 21st. The ride that she’s on here is Cars, right? Ryan Gosling and Guillermo del Toro were photographed on the same ride a couple of months ago. Click here for a refresher. It’s fun. Like you get weirdly competitive while you’re racing the other computer controlled car in the next lane.

The point that everyone’s taking away from Emma’s Disneyland outing is that she seems happy, even though she may or may not be no longer dating Andrew Garfield. Which nobody’s been able to confirm definitively either way.

OK but if they did split…

Wait. Are we ready to play that game yet? Do Emma and Andrew have TwiHards of their own? Because IF they did split, I’m totally OK if she rebounds off Liam Hemsworth. Is that allowed?