Emma Stone was on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon last night in a lip-synch battle. The video is below. She won, obviously. And adorably. I’ll let you enjoy it for yourself below. My favourite of course is when she goes high during the second song. If you think it’s a fraud that she’s this much fun to be around, well then it’s a marvelous con. And that black Gucci with the leather collar is marvelous on her.
Also attached – Emma in an off-white blouse on her way to Good Morning America today. Her boyfriend, Andrew Garfield, was on the show yesterday. He was asked about her. And what he said was that she is so amazing that one day he’s going to write a book, because that’s how much he has to say about her awesomeness. Sunshine is how he describes the effect she has on people. Which is sweet, of course it’s sweet. But I keep worrying about these two. Is it cynicism because no one ever makes it? Is it superstition because right now there’s only good? Is it loser fan anxiety from wanting it so bad? All of the above.
But mostly loser fan anxiety. When he called her “Emily Stone”, I actually came off my chair.