The Amazing Spider-Man 2 press tour has arrived in North America. Emma Stone was on Kimmel last night. Let’s start there. She has a cold. But you couldn’t really tell because, as always, she was sweet and charming and willing to embarrass herself. By demonstrating that her hidden talent is forging all the Spice Girls’ signatures.

Emma is a hardcore Spice Girls fan. So much so that when she was younger, she practised signing all their names. PS. I used to do the same thing with Duran Duran. I worked the hardest on Simon LeBon’s. He was my favourite. She’s adorable here, right?

Did you see that flirty moment in the closet and the kiss off the top? That’s what I’ll be creeping over and over again today. Speaking of kissing…

Ellen DeGeneres and Jamie Foxx made it pretty awkward for Emma and Andrew on The Ellen Show yesterday when they asked them about hotel rooms and chemistry on set. The two got pretty squirmy but not in a sulky-face kind of way. Is there a Fifty Shades Of Grey about these two? I would totally read it.

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