Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 premiered in New York last night. OMG. 2 more sleeps til the midnight showing. Can you stand it? Laura finally saw it a press screening yesterday. She wrote to me when she came out of the theatre: All in all, I loved it. They actually acted for a while there.
See? They did! They totally did! Click here if you missed my review last week. It is however spoiler heavy. Anyway, I’ll be a dedicating a full hour liveblog to the movie after its release. Can’t wait!
For now though, the kids are still on promotional duty. Perhaps the one most scrutinised through it all is our Emma Watson. And Emma certainly gave us something to scrutinise over the course of 24 hours.
First it’s an inkblot dress at lunch yesterday afternoon. SO cute. Then it’s casual and comfortable heading to Letterman – black skinny jeans, a sweater, flats, only to emerge on his couch all red and sparkly. It’s not my favourite look. My Emma is not a matron. Much better when she covers with a goldbuttoned trench on her way out of his studio. Gorgeous. And then a short while later, she was at the premiere in Calvin Klein with her brother Alex. The open back is hot, her face is flawless, but you know how I feel about the shiny sateen. The light, it hits, and it’s just so unflattering. On anyone. Less unflattering on Emma, but unflattering nonetheless. Also that hem is bullsh-t.
She made up for it this morning though on her way to more talk shows.
This coat. The studded sleeves. Am aching with want.
PS. Did I mention her wardrobe in the movie? You’ll want that too.
Photos from Wenn.com and Bauergriffinonline.com and INF