Britney: small mercies?
As you know, I’m normally all over a bandwagon. But I’m not gettin’ on the Britney Backlash until after her birthday. I’ll spare you my rationale unless you really, really want it.
Having said that, I have to admit I was a bit too premature about the Daily Crotch Flash – or lack thereof when I woke up this morning at 5:00 am and wasn’t greeted with the quotidian lurching labia we love to see and hate to see.
And please. Don’t bother denying.
Judging by how many websites are crashing and how much traffic has been generated over the last few days as a result of Britney’s repeated poon flash, you might think it’s gross, but you bet your boob job many of you, if not most, are clicking further for a closer look. And if that’s not love and hate, I don’t know what is.
Our last peaking poonie treat, however, brought with it a glimmer of hope. First of all, Paris is noticeably absent, thank Goddess. Next – the ghetto weave has been replaced by the slightly preferable Mall Weave. Not bad. And the dress is cute. The shoes, not. But the dress, all good.
Too bad she’ll never get rid of those turned out dancer feet. My irrational pet peeve, I fully own the fact that it’s an indefensible hatred but it’s one of things you know? Girls who waddle with their toes pointed out and they have to remind you – I used to dance. Whatever Rossum. Just so happens every girl I know with this affliction is also a know-it-all bitch.
But I digress.
The point is – I’m choosing to the see the positive. Until she turns 25, I am gritting and bearing along during the skank times.
Goddess help her next week.