Gaunt and tired though still not as rough as Billy Crudup, check out Ethan Hawke at the Tisch School of the Arts gala in New York last night.

I remember last year at TIFF 2006, even though he’s a smarmy perv, I fully expected to be attracted to him at the Valentino-sponsored after party for the film adaptation of his corny little book The Hottest State at Kultura in Toronto.

Truth be told, when Ethan arrived, he didn’t look half bad…until he started sneering. Blew by the carpet even though it was HIS MOVIE, his eyes lingered two seconds longer than they should have at my chest before his divine intelligence and obvious superiority took over and he decided not waste any time promoting the film.

Only the most brilliant writer/actor/author/directors are exempt from having to suffer the indignity of supporting their own projects, non?

This of course would explain why you probably couldn’t name his last three movies, let alone see them.

photos from WENN