Ewan McGregor covers the new issue of NYLON GUYS. The last time I posted about Ewan it was after the Mortdecai premiere and his leather jacket bow tie combination in comparison to all that sh-t Johnny Depp wears. Click here for a refresher. Conveniently Johnny Depp was featured on the blog earlier today. And so we have another opportunity to… admire Ewan, be grateful that he’s hasn’t gone off on us.
It’s more than just what he looks like though. It’s an attitude. This interview, though short (at least what’s excerpted), totally captures it. The 90s. When we met him. The Gossip Nostalgia.
On Trainspotting’s ridiculous Cannes after party: ““I don’t remember very much of the party, but it was apparently one of the great, legendary Cannes parties. Underworld played. It was fucking amazing. I missed their whole set. I was somewhere else doing something else.
On his pornstar moment with Woody Allen: “And suddenly there was a lull in the conversation. I looked over and there was a wee old lady standing next to what looked like a porn star—this girl with peroxided hair, massive tits, mini skirt, big plastic shoes. They were both stopped. They didn’t know if they should walk all over the equipment. I hear Woody saying, No,bring your daughter through. Bring your daughter through. We both had a little ogle at the girl as she went by. It clearly wasn’t the old lady’s daughter. Anyway, Woody turned to me and rubbed his hands together and went, Well, life could be worse.”
On his wild, late-‘90s London life with Jude Law and Angelina Jolie: “Jonny and Angelina were shooting Hackers, Jude had done Shopping. I’d done Shallow Grave. We were all kicking off. It was happening. We were having a right laugh. It’s the ’90s in London. It was quite fun… That’s all you’re getting.”
I had to read that back several times. Just to relive it. Jonny and Angelina. Jude and Sadie. Moss and Depp. London. LONDON IN THE 90s. Pre-TMZ. This is what I’d use a time machine for. For Gossip Nostalgia spying.
Click here to see more pictures and to read more from the excerpt.