US Weekly broke the news earlier this week that Porny is expecting with her second, 6 months after Maxwell was born. Maria wrote to me when the story was released about how this is quick, and something to do with getting pregnant while breastfeeding and I don’t know but I think the point was that a lot of people think you can’t but you can? And since it was supposedly unplanned, this would partly explain what happened. I mean, if other women are under the misconception that it’s not possible, it’s not like Jessica Simpson would be more aware.

Porny and her freeloader arrived back in LA yesterday after a surprisingly undercover trip to New York. She wasn’t photographed there at all. What? Jessica Simpson went to New York and wasn’t papped?!? I am bored too of saying it’s possible but amazingly people still question this. Like the full hair and makeup doesn’t tip you off? What happens in full hair and makeup when you want to smush your face against your baby’s? And get right in there and nuzzle the good-smelling part? Foundation and powder would be all over the place.