Loved it. Finally not a prom dress. Maybe not the hair but the blue and the detail and the way it moved – in person this was magnificent. In person she popped. In person it took away the headache of Beyonce and replaced it with a calm serenity.

In person this girl…

This girl makes you feel good about the world. Like cupcakes and puppies.

As for what’s happening between her and Dev Patel – nothing. Both Danny Boyle and the Slumdog producer were adamant about the nothing. And I believe it.


Because she’s 24 and on top of the world, having just – allegedly – left an, um, not quite compatible husband. How many 24 year olds do you know, suddenly thrust into the spotlight, with men everywhere, would hook up with an 18 year old kid?


Freida is not this girl. Freida has ambitions. She has her own website. This should tell you something.

And I was wrong about the kids going home early. Oh no. Those kids went to party! Here they are at the Fox Searchlight celebration living it up, dancing it up, enjoying their Hollywood victory.

Let me just gloat because I’m classless like that.

You know I was all over this movie early right?

PS. Will Smith told reporters at the VF party that he wanted to meet Dev Patel. And they grow up so fast.

Photos from and and

Herbal Essences