From Rasta: Gwyneth sucks!
Lainey (this is what you said about Angelina last week: "And to sum up... some women glow when they’re expecting. Others not so much. If you ask me, Angie looks like crap. "
What about your girl, Gweneth? She is defines crap, pregnant or not!
Dear Rasta:
Teensy correction, if you don"t mind. It"s GwYneth, with a Y. I know my anal retentive best friend would appreciate me correcting a commonly made mistake. As for my Gwynnie defining crap. Hey, I"m with you in saying that she looks awful (see attached from Pop Sugar
in her 2nd pregnancy. Awful. As opposed to her first pregnancy when she absolutely glowed. She was also much better dressed with Apple. And this time around, even I have to concede that she"s looking horribly haggish. Compare and contrast yourselves between #1 and #2.
Funny thing is - she knows it herself. Which is why she thinks she"s having a boy. She says she feels completely different. Her tastes have changed. She likes different colours, she likes different foods, she"s acutely aware that this new child is affecting her perception with a palpable masculine influence. Anyway, back to her looking like ass. She totally does. And so does Angie. They both have Oscars. They both had Brad. They both look like ass. They both are pregnant. They both are due in May-ish. Like, Oh.My.God. Don"t you think it"s time for them to be best friends???