Brad and George on the gala carpet in Venice today promoting Burn After Reading looking impossibly dashing together after staying up late last night, shooting the sh*t with friends, doing what boys do.
First reviews are now online for the Coen brothers’ follow up to No Country for Old Men and they are not exactly glowing. Writes Variety:
Nothing about the project’s execution inspires the feeling that this was ever intended as anything more than a lark, which would be fine if it were a good one. As it is, audience teeth-grinding sets in early and never lets up.
Typical Coen brothers glib and smugness. Like when they won the Oscar earlier this year. If you don’t care about awards, why submit for consideration and participate in award ceremonies? If you’re there anyway, because clearly you want to be recognised,why not suck it up and respect the occasion.
Just saying.
On the plus side? Brad Pitt’s performance is reportedly hilarious, the best part of the film. He’s so much better on the quirky, crazy side.
12 Monkeys, Fight Club, Snatch… more of that, less of Troy. Troy was, quite possibly, worse than Ben Affleck.
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