Oh lucky you Cincinnati. George Clooney is making his movie there. On Wednesday he hit up the Blue Wisp Jazz Club with his parents, Ryan Gosling, Evan Rachel Wood, and a few others to hear the Big Band play. It wasn’t a terribly busy night. George bought drinks, he was friendly with the musicians, and he and Ryan were chill with the civilians, chatting with a group of students who had come there as part of their class. George kept joking that the girls were only excited because of Ryan. He referred to Ryan as a “handsome cat”.

As for Ryan, he told a local reporter that it was "one of the best nights of my life” and that he’s become enamoured of Cincinnati:

"I just love Cincinnati. I had no idea what I was in store for. It has so much style and it's got a lot of history. It's a beautiful place.”

As for what else he enjoyed besides the music, apparently he was in a flirty mood, even made the “shirt trick” move on a girl when he pointed to her shirt “What’s on your shirt?” only to flick her nose when she looked down. Please. You wish it happened to you.

Click here
for more on George and Ryan’s night at the Blue Wisp and to see a few photos.

Thanks JS!

File photos from Wenn.com and Bauergriffinonline.com