
Got caught up in the US Open finish. Would have been so much easier if Tiger was playing Phil Mickelson. Hate Phil Mickelson. But Rocco Mediate is so sweet!

I digress.

Attached – George Clooney on a bike ride today in Italy with his boys including…

Tate Donovan?

Jimmy Cooper?

Former fiancé of Jennifer Aniston?

Who knew?

After their break up, Tate basically called her a diva who lapped up luxury living. Now he’s living luxuriously at Lake Como, a guest of the newly single George who’s apparently been having ladies over night after night after night. By day, they work out and tone their bodies. By night they carouse and womanise. It sounds almost gay. But not.

No, seriously...he"s not. This is not a riddle clue, just for the riddle-obsessed.

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