The Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, also a major media mogul and estimated to be the 3rd richest man in the country, is being tried for paying a 17 year old girl to have sex with him and using his considerable resources to try to kill the story. Berlusconi is 74 and denies the charges. His lawyers have included George Clooney on a possible witness list and Clooney claims to be flummoxed as to why he’s been brought into it:

“It seems odd since I’ve only met Berlusconi once and that was in an attempt to get aid into Darfur.”



But isn’t he dating The Italian Queen Elisabetta Canalis? And wasn’t she herself linked to a prostitution and cocaine scandal in Italy just a few months ago? At that time, authorities were investigating a club that allegedly supplied its wealthy patrons with high end escorts along with any party substance they required. Somehow Canalis’s name was mixed up in all of that.

And now this. With George Clooney and the Prime Minister who may or may not have paid to f-ck a young showgirl called Ruby the Heart-stealer.

I mean…

I just f-cking love Italians.

But the transfer of her sh-t onto his reputation… I wonder how much longer before George is told he needs to cut that loose. Or, if it’s just too good to let go of, and he still can’t get enough.

Attached – Ely shooting a commercial yesterday in Rome, her working girl days obviously behind her, kinda. And George last week in Michigan with Phillip Seymour Hoffman on the set of The Ides of March. For those of you in Ontario – George drove over to Windsor the other day to have dinner at Mezzo. Some people actually approached him WHILE HE WAS EATING for photos. If you have ever considered that, please stop and check yourself. For your own self.

Source & Source
Photos from and Melissa Hayes/