Last night in London, at the home of some obscenely wealthy investment dude and his socialite wife, a star studded party with a £10,000 entrance fee in support of Darfur victims spearheaded by George Clooney attracted the likes of Bono, Guy Ritchie, Trudie Styler, Cindy Crawford, Matt Damon, Scarlett Johansson, Eva Mendes…and more… for a reported total raised of £10million. From around 100 guests.



Not quite sure how he made up that difference but there must have been some serious auction items available.

Speaking of…

Today is Casual Day for Covenant House in Vancouver! Please consider a small gift in exchange for dressing down at work today. Help us meet our goal for the 30 days for 30 nights campaign, raising funds to support street kids at our crisis shelter, providing food, shelter, clothing, counseling, and care throughout the month of December…often the loneliest time of the year.

As for George and his friends…

They partied til 3:30am. Went through hundreds of bottles of champagne, so much that security had to be sent out for more, but word is, despite the efforts of many ambitious ladies, no one has caught George’s eye… yet. Keep you posted.

Photos from and