Two time Sexiest Man Alive George Clooney had no time for frivolity today as he was in New York to meet with the United Nations. George is very important and would rather you think about Sudan than rub yourself to him before you go to bed at night. What? Too crude?

Too crude for the Italian Queen? He really should consider bringing the Italian Queen to the UN with him, non? She is clearly gifted. And there is so much that is ailing the world. And it’s not like she hasn’t been sold for less. Besides, can you put a price tag on world peace?

In other George news, his new Nespresso ads are now running in the UK, just in time for the holidays. They’re the ones with John Malkovich. I could swear I’ve seen it before, but the British claim it’s a fresh brew. Lame sh-ts! I know, I just couldn’t resist.

Anyway, this Nespresso coffee maker is apparently Nestle’s fastest selling product, did you know that? Thanks Georgie. But some people don’t see how this side job of his is in line with his environmental and help Africa preaching. Click here for one side of the story. I’m all yours if you care to offer another opinion.

Photos from Ron Asadorian/