Arguments for:
-The MiniVan Majority always wanted him to stop being a bachelor
-Wedding of the year
-His wife is SO interesting!
-His activism: George has become more than a movie star. So if you’re looking for “sexy” beyond just having a good body and a handsome face, he’s your man
-There hasn’t been an SMA over 50 since Harrison Ford in 1999. Time to represent for maturity?
-That older PEOPLE demographic can’t get enough of George. He’s the dream guy, he’s always a candidate.
-He sold his wedding photos to PEOPLE. Could there be another deal here in exchange for honeymoon shots?

Arguments against:
-Not promoting anything right now
-Some people got sick of his excessive wedding
-Some people aren’t into his non-American wife
-Is he too old?
-He’s already held the title twice.
-Does he want it? There’s been speculation that he’s statregising for a political career. So if he wants to be taken seriously, accepting the SMA a greedy third time might not be part of those plans.

Odds: 20 to 1

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