Judging by your emails, you enjoyed it last night, yes? Season 2 premiere of Gossip Girls and the next battle of Blair v Chuck – delicious, right? And proof that in spite of the proliferation of garbage like America’s Got Sh*t Talent, quality can still exist on television without compromising dishy, dirty, and Chuck Bass’s black heart.

Gossip Girl’s debut last night was a ratings success. A record, in fact. Whew. They needed it. Badly.

Episodes 2 and 3 are even better. Promise.

Below – Ed Westwick on set in NYC last week looking disgusting in his jeans. Ew! I need to be washed of him. But I can’t do it myself.

Also Jessica Szohr in some kick ass boots and red jeans. Vanessa must sacrifice. Sigh. She keeps getting the assy storylines. I worry for her.

Photos from Splashnewsonline.com