Entertainment Weekly has an exclusive on The Voice ahead of the upcoming season. I’ve never actually watched an episode. Might this year because I’m trying to Gossip Genie some chemistry between Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton.
Anyway, in addition to an exclusive clip of the judges talking about why they’re excited for the show and what it means to them, there’s this promo photo…
…of Gwen wearing the f-cking sh-t out of that outfit. Are those PLAID SEQUINED BASKETBALL SHORTS???
That’s pretty much the only reason I’m writing this post. For those shorts. Also for her hair in this interview because it’s a throwback to Tragic Kingdom (thank you Emily) and her face has never been tighter but if that means this is rebirth, great. We’ve never known Gwen Stefani to not be pining over, waiting for, Gavin Rossdale. I want to meet this person. I want to find out who she is.