This week’s GOOP newsletter is a Q&A. Unfortunately she doesn’t answer any of the best questions we send her. Like: did you and Jennifer Aniston hold hands and cut down Angelina Jolie the entire time you were in Morocco? Or... Give us some examples of how you made Scarlett Johansson feel inferior on the set of Iron Man 2.

Instead, as you would expect, it’s all about food and yoga. And make-up.

Interestingly enough however she does include a little bit about Dr Fredric Brandt who calls himself a cosmetic dermatologist. Madonna has been seen going in and out of Dr Brandt’s office building. Have you seen Dr Brandt? Click here if not. YOU MUST. It’s amazing. Or below:

Gwyneth also lists her favourite beauty products, and claims not to accept advertising dollars. Click here for the new GOOP.

Here’s my G yesterday in the Hamptons yesterday at the Balenciaga store for an evening of shopping to benefit Baby Buggy, “a non-profit organization dedicated to providing New York City's families in need with essential equipment, clothing, and products for their infants and young children”. Of course while there she was tight with Jessica Seinfeld. They puree together. And practise bitchfaces. You do remember her bitchface, right?

Note that G and J are wearing the same shoes in different colours. It’s ok when you’re famous I guess.

G has been summering in the Hamptons. Naturally. She showed off her bikini body with the kids on the beach last week. Click here to see. That’s two hours a day, every day.

Photos from Gary Gershoff/