You are welcome to accuse me of being biased but in a sea of ordinary, safe, ho hum dresses, my idol showed up tonight and set another standard. Very few actresses can pull off this kind of creativity. Nicole Kidman yes. Naomi Watts, too. And Charlize, when she yanks the pickle out of her ass, can also play dress up with the elite. But it takes a certain “it.” And my Gwyneth delivered. She might have acted like a stuck up little princess all night, but she delivered. I loved the Balenciaga ode to Elizabeth. I loved the colour. I loved the sleeves. And above all, I loved her bump. No doubt, this look isn’t for everyone. I’m sure there are those of you who will email me and tell me to jump up my own ass. But in my mind, fashion innovation is about taking risks. If you want the same black dress over and over again, go find Jennifer Aniston. Oh…wait. She wasn’t there, was she? In fact, Friends is over now. So will she ever make it back to the Globes again???