Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz were out last night in support of their friend and author Vicky Vlachonis at the launch of her book The Body Doesn’t Lie. Vlachonis is a pain expert. According to her, before you can get rid of pain, you have to first understand it. G wrote the foreward to the book. And her detox cleanse doctor Alejandro Junger was there too.
I’m just happy to see her with Cam. It’s been a while. And G has experienced a period of upheaval, although she would prefer to re-brand that with a two word expression that’s now become a pop culture eyeroll.
The husband is gone (though still apparently living with her) but the friends remain. The right friends? We still don’t know who sold her out last year about the Vanity Fair email. How does someone like Gwyneth get rid of that kind of pain?