My Gwyneth and her BFF Madonna had dinner at Nobu last night with matching blonde waves almost the same length and black from head to toe. The two had much to talk about. There is also much to celebrate.

As you know, Madge finalised the adoption of Baby David Banda this week and has started rehearsing hard for the upcoming tour while speculation about her marital woes continue unabated. One way to coexist is to never see each other. This can be accomplished on the road. London gossips are buzzing a formal split will be announced by autumn, around the release of Rocknrolla, Guy’s upcoming film starring Gerard Butler and Thandie Newton. A rather sexy looking production still is attached from the movie.

As for Gwyneth… she’s reason to be smug these days. A top movie, a stylish rebirth, several new films on the go, including a return to the Bard, and married to the lead singer of one of the biggest bands in the world with a record breaking single, about to release a much anticipated new album.

But at the end of the night, Gwyneth Paltrow still drives herself home.

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