My Gwyneth was photographed in London this morning arriving at the gym in a long puffy coat. Word is it’s not exactly the Tracy Anderson Method anymore. Love that striped toque. I just bought a wool striped toque with a pompom top. My favourite.

G is supposed to be shooting Love Don’t Let Me Down soon in Nashville. She was there before Christmas to take a few meetings then spent the holiday at home in England with the children and her husband who is in studio right now, not on tour again until February, with some kind of artistic deadline.

Chris Martin recently said:

"We feel bands need to fill their first 10 years, so we have lots to do before December 31, 2009. I know it’s stupid, but that’s kind of our deadline. We have to do something good by then. We’ve done some pretty good stuff, but there’s something about the year changing to 2010. I’ll also be 33 that year, and I always feel that marks a different phase of songwriting. So I just try to keep as busy as possible till then.

Most of my heroes did most of their great stuff before they were 33. It’s not that you can’t do great stuff afterwards. You just have to have deadlines, otherwise you’ll spend all day in the sauna

Or snogging Kate Bosworth in Vegas.

Great. More glorified elevator music.

Photos from WCI/