This is the new promotional photo for Gwyneth Paltrow’s charity campaign for Frederique Constant. The company is pledging $50 from the sale of every ladies’ watch to charities supporting women and children. She also endorses jewellery company TOUS. That was just three or four months ago. So that’s another brand alignment. And, of course, her new cookbook comes out this month. She’s selling a cookbook so the New York Times asked her about other books. That piece just came out today. Click here to read it. Tell me when you eye-rolled. Because I did. Particularly at her answer about what book she wants the president to read.

As mentioned the other day, G is currently in Argentina. Coldplay kicks off the tour there tonight. She’s also taking time on the trip to hang out with other famous people, like Nacho Figueras. And remind us that she can speak Spanish fluently:

There have been several eating posts. Like this one:


Podria acostumbrarme a la vida Argentina... #casacavia

A photo posted by Gwyneth Paltrow (@gwynethpaltrow) on

There are NOT enough dog posts like the one she posted last week. Daffodil and Nero? How come I didn’t know about these two? When did Nero join the family? I love him. Look at that face!


Happy #nationalpuppyday from Daffodil and Nero 💖🐶

A photo posted by Gwyneth Paltrow (@gwynethpaltrow) on