GOOP days are normally Thursdays. But today is a special Tuesday GOOP. Because GOOP has launched an App. It will cost you $3.99. If you spend the money though, you’ll get to know New York, and other cities, GOOP styles. There’s a video too.

I’m cheap. The only app I’ve ever paid for, so far at least, has been for Bust-A-Move, only my favourite arcade game ever! That was $1.99. Don’t let me tell you that GOOP’s NYC isn’t worth your $3.99. I mean, it’s just a cup of coffee. But my friend Lorella lived in New York and I’m pretty sure she would put together a 10 page itinerary for free if I asked her to. Not that she doesn’t have a really busy career and isn’t raising two boys or anything.

But who could ever be busier than Gwyneth Paltrow?

By the way, did you read her piece on Beijing last week?

I do appreciate that she’s rather un-Mimi in that she routinely throws up pictures of herself where she looks like sh-t. Like here, just off a long plane ride, on the way to the hotel. And I also admire that she had the balls to try the hairy crab. By the way, the yellow “meat”? It’s not exactly yellow. It’s actually a green-ish yellow and it looks like snot with the consistency of pus. We call it (in Cantonese) the “goh” of the crab. Or... the “cream”. My cousins and I used to tease each other that it was the refuse. G’s right though, it’s the best tasting part though maybe not for western palates.

As for the Peking duck dish she had there...

This is the most ordinary, maybe even sub-par Peking duck I’ve ever seen. The truth is, the best Peking duck isn’t in Beijing. The best Peking duck probably isn’t even in China. Go to any suburban Chinese immigrant strip mall in North America, you’ll find better Peking duck there. For real.

Click here for the GOOP App. And here for GOOP’s Beijing. I really, REALLY want to hear her sing Wishing Well. Like SO f-cking badly.