Lead item in Page Six today about Gwyneth Paltrow’s exploits Miami last weekend for the Fountainebleau opening. Apparently she spent a lot of time with a billionaire called Jeff Soffer, hanging out with him at the party, and then on his yacht with Kate Hudson the next day…which probably means it’s manslinger Kate who’s screwing the rich dude and not the prissy Paltrow. For girls like Gwyneth who roll with royalty, billionaires are a dime a dozen.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean all’s well in Gwynnie’s world. Have been reporting on this blog for ages the buzz swirling around her marriage – that Chris is cantankerous and difficult, that he leaves her alone for lengthy periods of time, and that everyone in London seems to believe he cheated on her with a lawyer.

And of course there’s her weight. Gwyneth looked very thin in that ill fitting white dress on Friday night. She’s skinny to begin with but some say it’s more than usual. Of course as you know, Gwyneth works out with Tracey Anderson who’s been on the road with Madonna.

I have a friend who’s actually following the same program for research. Apparently it’s f-cking hell. Two hours a day and bland food and she says no woman with any happiness in her life would ever subject herself to such torture. Not a stretch to believe this is the GOOPer’s life now.

After all, Gwyneth would suffer in silence. For the sake of the children. She’d maintain the public façade: Hollywood beauty married to rock star and two kids and perfection and she doesn’t believe in divorce. It’s a longstanding tradition.

Photos from Bauergriffinonline.com