OK! Magazine is reporting that my Gwyneth has returned home after being hospitalised yesterday.

Said her publicist Stephen Huvane: "Gwyneth is fine and at home - we are not commenting further.”

Funny that coming from Huvane, who always says he’s not commenting any further but always does comment further, especially as it relates to Jennifer Aniston, also his client.

Gwyneth’s strategic mandate however is much less high maintenance. And so it appears our vigil worked. Gwynnie must be feeling better if she’s been allowed to go home. Hope she’s making a speedy recovery.

Attached – photo of Gwyneth taken earlier in the day yesterday, the picture of health, on a run. And ugh. My favourite. Rumours are now running wild, of course, that she’s pregnant. Will Gwyneth have an 8/8/8 baby??? Keep you posted…
