My Gwynnie probably isn’t too happy with her friend Mario Batali today. She and Mario teamed up to shoot a PBS doc about eating across Spain and Mario revealed that while Gwyneth Paltrow does eat (a lot!) she also works out 3 hours a day to keep it off.
This, of course, is the life of a celebrity. Going to the gym is work. It’s part of the job. What’s surprising is that the perfect Paltrow has to work out too. You know my snotty favourite used to love lording it over other people that she was just naturally thin, that she’s never had to worry about her weight.
Oh but she does. And Mario just confirmed it.
Gwyneth Paltrow is Just Like Us?
Attached – Gwyneth looking her best in Cannes at the Chopard event and a photo call for Two Lovers. G is all about the gladiator these days. Again, those highlights were the all time greatest. Obviously those 3 hr sweat sessions are paying off. She did look glorious throughout the festival. Gloriously inspiring too.
Not even a broken arm can deter my trainer Hayley McGowan. Am heading back to the gym today for the first time since the elbow came off. F&cking Mischa Barton’s to blame for the size of my ass too.