Did you buy the new issue of Beedle the Bard? Just a taste to keep us going til July. Seven more bloody months – gah!

One of the major reasons why Twilight managed to take such a huge cut of the box office this season was because it was able to capitalise on Warner Bros decision to move back the release of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, claiming Harry’s original date.

Needless to say, Warners expects the sixth film will fare better as a summer blockbuster. And it should. But it doesn’t mean waiting for it is any easier.

Book 6 is for many Potter diehards, like me, the best of an almost immaculate series. Book 6 has everything. And so the expectations for Movie 6, especially given the long ass wait, are especially high.

ABC Family aired a few exclusive previews and interviews for the Half Blood Prince this weekend - the clips are below. Comedy Quidditch!

Meanwhile the adorable Emma Watson was in LA this weekend promoting The Tale of Despereaux. I love her so much.

Because she actually still looks her age. Because she actually wants to go to school. Can you imagine? School?!?! Who goes to school anymore???

Emma, university, September. How rare.

Click here to read Emma’s full interview with the Sunday Times Style Magazine. She says she’d consider going nude for a role. Like if Bernardo Bertolucci asked her too. See? She even sounds like an 18 year old.


July 17 feels so far away…

Half Blood Prince: Comedy

Half Blood Prince: Love is in the air

Half Blood Prince: Meet Professor Slughorn

Half Blood Prince: The Story of Tom Riddle

Photos from Bauergriffinonline.com