The new issue of Hello! Canada features the First Family of America on the cover. Tucked away in the corner?

The First Couple of gossip – the Brange. On why they’re Hollywood’s most romantic. Pages inside feature the two doing their Porn thing. Rubbing, kissing, laughing…

And moving foreheads!

It’s been the great debate so far of 2009. The Jolie’s waxy face and why….

For those who argue that she has not been injected, at least not to the levels of Granny Freeze Nicole Kidman, take a look at the shot of her lifting her brows without having an aneurysm. Now those are some grooves, non?

But, as so many of you have pointed out, in great detail, because everyone is a Botox expert, this doesn’t necessarily mean she didn’t…it could simply mean that she did so very artfully.

Still, as always, you know I buy what they sell, especially when what they’re selling is wrapped around porn packaging. Looking at them molesting each other. You know you want to watch. And you know you love it too. Or love to hate it.

The Brange doesn’t distinguish. As long as you’re talking…

The new issue of Hello! Canada is available now. Also a great article on Prince William and his sleepover with Kate Middleton.