Two years ago, I interviewed Jennifer Lopez on the carpet for El Cantante at the Elgin in Toronto. It was intimidating enough speaking to La Lopez herself but even worse because I could not keep my eyes off her Dolce & Gabbana. It was beaded, it was brilliant, it was breathtaking, and she was so beautiful it was sick. She was also very, very, very sweet.

There are galas night after night at TIFF. And since the star guest list this year is impressively bright, it naturally follows that the glamour factor will register on the high side. In other words, it’ll be impossible for Kate Beckinsale to overdress for this one…although she really should work on that little problem, non?

The best part about the red carpet excitement? We can be judgy!

Hundreds of red carpet photos will be posted every day during the festival on this dedicated TIFF Red Carpet page sponsored by Herbal Essences.

Here’s where you can tell people who are thinner, richer, and better looking than you that they chose an ugly dress. Or suffer with envy over a pair of shoes you can never afford. I’ll be right there with you.