The photos of Hot Harry in Rio on Friday were not released until late that night. And the most interesting photos of Hot Harry in Rio came on Saturday and Sunday. So...

We get to start the week with a Hot Harry super post. Happy?

Harry was there to launch the GREAT Campaign in Brazil’s 2016 Olympic host city. GREAT aims to maximise tourism and business opportunities in Britain. Look at our Prince Harry, all grown up and responsible, a proper ambassador now, not only for his Royal Family but also for his country.

I’m sure you don’t need much in the way of analysis of these photos. Just a quick guide through the events:

On Saturday he burned a lot of calories first on a mile long Sport Relief run, where he borrowed a Prince William mask, and then it was off to Flamengo Beach where he played cricket, rugby, and volleyball but, disappointingly, for many of those in attendance, he didn’t take his shirt off. After that, Harry had to be all cute and sweet with the children at the Complexo do Alemao shantytown.

On Sunday Harry was up for polo to raise money for Sentabale, his charity in Lesotho. Note the body language between Hot Harry at the model. She’s leaving her hand lingeringly on his chest and he too is taking an extra long time to let his fingers slip off her elbow. Yes, I want to believe they totally did it.

Click here for more on GREAT.