Dear Gossips,
Serious question: Has Jaime Lannister ever had sex with anyone other than his sister? That’s actually the only question I have for the books.
Duana’s posting the Game Of Thrones recap first thing this morning but what happened before Cersei and Jaime is what, to me, was the best scene of Episode 3: the early education of Tommen Baratheon. It was marvelous, non? The mercenary Tywin is a fictional character. But how many Tywins are there in Hollywood, making kings and queens, discarding one child in favour of the other at the first opportunity, in search of fame and fortune?
Since we took Friday off for the holiday, Scandal will be recapped today too. And Mad Men. And we’ll catch up with Big G the Bruiser in Australia, see if he beat up any koalas.
Finally, Listen To The Squawking Chicken. I’m heading to New York tonight to begin promoting my book in the United States. Tomorrow, Tuesday, see you at Barnes & Noble at 150 East 86th Street!
Yours in gossip,