Dear Gossips,
Despite repeat claims by local French media, there was no Brange wedding at Miraval this weekend. They’re now blaming their sh-t reporting on the work of a “prankster”. Of course.
There was also a rumour about Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake and a secret wedding in Wyoming. Splash News however posted what they’re calling new shots of Biel at the airport in Puerto Rico, where JT’s been filming, on Saturday. While paparazzi agencies do cheat the dates of their pictures all the time, the fact that no reputable outlets have followed up with any confirmation almost 48 hours later suggests that this too is a hoax.
Well that’s too bad.
That Brange and Biel weren’t married on the same day. Because it would have been just so typically Biel. To have her wedding cockblocked by the most fascinating couple in the world.
Am back in Vancouver and it’s a busy day ahead - please refresh often!
Yours in gossip,
PS. When you have 7 minutes today, watch this. Justin Timberlake’s acting will NEVER be as compelling as Alan Rickman making tea.