Dear Gossips,
I heard a song on the radio on the way to work this morning and it made me want to watch the video as soon as I came into the office. Remember Paula Abdul’s Rush Rush with Keanu Reeves as James Dean?
The song is still super corny, almost sickly. Back then I remember being kinda skeeved by some of the lyrics. Can you imagine singing that to someone?
Hurry hurry lover, come to me
I wanna see
I wanna see you get free with me
Hard to believe when the video first came out, its suggestiveness was enough for people. Now I watch it by today’s standards and it’s even cleaner than a Taylor Swift concert. If this song came out today, Paula and Keanu would be rubbing up on each other a lot harder. And you know what? I would have wanted to see that. Like, at least a little tongue action. Have I been corrupted?
Yours in gossip,