Dear Gossips,

It’s the luckiest day of the year on the Chinese calendar:

August 8.


So what are you doing? Are you going to a wedding? Naturally, I’m having dinner with my ma, the Chinese Squawking Chicken. Speaking of the Squawking Chicken…

My book, Listen To The Squawking Chicken, comes out in paperback in Canada on October 28! There was a cover vote last week to pick the paperback face. Thank you for letting us know your opinion. I’ve attached the winning version. The paperback will include new content: an interview with the Squawking Chicken, feng shui tips, and some more information about the process of writing it. Click here for more information.

Quick Squawking Chicken tip of the day: when staying at a hotel, take out the nicest pair of shoes you have with you and put them in front of the television or on top of the dresser, heel to toe. It’ll help ward off the ghosts. Hotels are often haunted, you know.

Have a great weekend!

Yours in gossip,
