Dear Gossips,

Am I allowed to say now that the final episode of Serial was… frustrating? Frustrating is a safe word, right? It’s been frustrating for a few weeks now. I finally gave in and started googling about 10 days ago because I just, you know, like, I dunno, (in Sarah speak), certain questions weren’t being asked. I felt deflated to start the day. And then…by the end of the night…

If we’re talking final episodes, Colbert’s was perfect.

And it’s not because he had so many celebrity guests (Cookie Monster was the best, obviously). You know what I appreciate about Stephen Colbert? Or at the least the version of Colbert that was presented on The Colbert Report, who’s now achieved immortality alongside Santa, Unicorn Lincoln, and Alex Trebek (HAHAHAHA)?

It’s that he was ALWAYS Colbert.

There was no crying. There’s no crying in baseball, and there’s no f-cking crying in satire!

There is, however, a new, exciting question: Who are you now Stephen Colbert? See you in September.

Have a great weekend!

Yours in gossip,
