Dear Gossips,

No one expected the New York Film Critics Circle to vote for a musical. It’s just not their flavour. Their flavour though is Kathryn Bigelow over Ben Affleck. In past years, the NYFCC’s selection was considered a good prognosticator for Oscar but this award season is so competitive, the best their list could do yesterday was shape what the nominations might look like, as the race is really too tight to call. Right now, momentum favours Zero Dark Thirty. By the end of the week though, when the National Board of Review (Dec 5) and the LA Film Critics (Dec 9) make their announcements, it could be another. Like Lincoln. And Argo could come back strong. And Les Miserables should do better in the guild community. Those four -- Zero Dark Thirty, Lincoln, Argo, and Les Miserables -- should hold, but if there’s one contender that’s been sliding, it’s Silver Linings Playbook. Coming out of TIFF it seemed unstoppable. Did the Weinsteins miscalculate? Or will it make a charge in the next 10 days? God I love this time of year. When it’s this close it’s even more fun. But WHY does it always have to be lumped together? If just one of these could have challenged earlier against The Artist last year...

More on the NYFCC winners later and I’ll warn you now that there’s some gloating on the way from our own Cinesnark Sarah who was calling it for it, for McConaughey, way, way, WAY before anyone smelled anything.

As for the Princess’s pregnancy - do we need an update on her IV drip, and on who’s coming in and out of hospital to see her? I just want to know how much detail you’re looking for, and whether or not you’re as nervously superstitious as I am about the whole thing. And does that make me a total loser for even caring that much. I think so, yes.

Yours in gossip,
