Dear Gossips,

Rachel McAdams continued to work on True Detective Season 2 yesterday in LA. Rachel’s Chinese astrological sign is Horse. The Chinese Squawking Chicken says there’s not too much to be concerned about for the Horse during the Year of the Goat/Sheep. In fact, this year, the Horse will benefit from two Lucky Stars who could help them at work – a promotion and/or a raise is very possible. It’s an entrepreneurial year for the Horse, a good time to go into business. Which means it’ll be a busy year that might involve a lot of travel.

If you’re a Horse and you find yourself frustrated, unhappy, if there are challenges that you can’t seem to find solutions to…

Book a holiday. Don’t stay home and dwell on it. Your answers will come to you when you’re away.

Chinese New Year is on Thursday. For everyone, and not just Horses, that means this is your last weekend to get some sh-t sorted out around the house. Unpack those boxes that have been lying around. Clean and rearrange the major items that you don’t have time for during the week. Clear away the clutter. Then, on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, scrub, launder, disinfect, make sure your home is spotless, especially your front doorway and your kitchen. The Good Luck of the New Year won’t want to come into a place that’s dirty.

Make sure you sleep on clean sheets on Wednesday night, New Year’s Eve. And sleep in clean clothes/pyjamas that night too. If you can, you should sleep in new pyjamas – but not black. The brighter the colour, the better. I do this every year. Every Chinese New Year I buy brand new red or pink pyjamas to attract as much luck as possible. Every year I tell you about the Chinese New Year pyjamas – click here for last year’s entry. So, ummm, would it be really tacky right now to remind you that Sasha and I designed a line of pyjamas? And that there are red accents all over them? And they’re on sale right now? Click here to see.

And don’t forget, do NOT wash your hair on New Year’s Day, February 19th. You’ll be washing away your luck.

Have a great weekend!

Yours in gossip,
