Dear Gossips,
What is this world where even the Mighty Opes can’t attract viewers? Where the Priestess has to plead with her congregation via Twitter to watch her shows, only to be forced to apologise and remove her message due to Nielsen regulation violation? If you missed that story earlier this week, please click here.
It used to be that the Mighty hosted her own post-Oscars show. Now she’s appearing on someone else’s post-Oscar show. Confirmed yesterday, O will join several other celebrities for Jimmy Kimmel’s annual after-Oscars bit. This year it’s called Movie: The Movie; the trailer is below.
Why is the MiniVan Majority rejecting the Oprah channel? Why didn’t they follow her where she was taking them? Is it possible that even the Mighty Oprah is no match for Jersey Shore, the Kardashians, and the sh-t they put on TLC? I’m no fan of the O, but not even I can take pleasure in that.
Final weekend before the Oscars. Enjoy it. Because next week it’ll be balls to the wall. Have a great weekend!
Yours in gossip,