Dear Gossips,

You know who did Katy Perry better than Katy Perry?

Kevin Hart. On The Tonight Show after the game. In Kevin Hart’s case though, it was lip-synch as advertised.

Why couldn’t it have been the Missy & Lenny halftime show?

More on Katy’s halftime performance later. It was the ultimate “Murica” weekend though, wasn’t it? A proper trucks and beer weekend. The Super Bowl was on and American Sniper broke another record at the box office…while Oscar voters deliberate their ballots. Do you smell an upset?

We’re inside 3 weeks to the Academy Awards. And there’s not a rest weekend in between. The Grammys and the BAFTAs happen in 6 days. A week after that we get horny at the movies with Christian Grey.

It’s Gossip High Season… in a blizzard.

Yours in gossip,
